Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Yesterday was awful!

Dear Readers,
The reason I am saying that yesterday was awful, is because I was sick yesterday. :( What makes it even more sad is, I got it worse then everyone else! That always happens. But, I am glad to say, that I am feeling better today. I am actually glad that I got sick yesterday instead of on our trip. Because that would be awful. But, we are leaving tomorrow, so I hope everyone stays well! So far all of the family has had it. Luanna is in the process of having it. Dad has not gotten it yet, but he doesn't usually get sickness when we have it in the house. Lucky for him. But it is probably because he gets all of those extra vitamins and stuff. Well, I am going to go for now. Talk to you later!
Esther J. Wright


Brianna said...

Glad you are feeling better! Poor Lu! Sure hope she isn't sick on her birthday...that would be miserable! :(

Esther J. said...

Me too! Thankfully, Luanna recovered yesterday! So, she is feeling just fine today! :)