Tuesday, June 14, 2011

We are back! :)

Heeeellllloooo, everyone! How are you all? We arrived back today in Gardner, KS from our excursion to Florida. I am so glad that we got to go, but I am also glad to be home sweet home! I had a great time!!! Thank you to everyone that helped us be able to go to Florida, and Disney World!!! We appreciate it sooo much. I know that those kinds of things, especially Disney World, and the flight tickets, can be VERY expensive! Especially with a family of 6. Everyone does and has done so many great things for our family. I don't know if we are ever going to be able to pay them back!! I don't know if that will ever happen, but we can try our best. Thank you again everyone so much!!! Right now, it is just the little things like give us a call to see how we are doing that make us feel good. Thank you for being so supportive through this tough time! :) We appreciate it a lot!
Esther J. Wright


Brianna said...

So glad you are back on here!!! Lol! Glad you had a good time! :D

Jessica G said...

Glad you had such a good time! :)