Tuesday, July 10, 2012

hey guys:) so our company just left today...Lu is somewhat sad. we had a good time with them. see, they live in PA and so we don't see them very often..but we love those Russels to pieces!! karson warmed up to Uncle Joe aka "Splosive". LOL! Kerri is 11 and someone that I can hang out with. Erica and her are definitely the cousins that I am closest to. :)) anyway....! GUESS WHAT? OMW! I ordered 4 Zebra Print cases from Amazon for my iPod! I am so excited about them. Do you guys want a pic? Let me get the pic off amazon, crop it and put it in this post. Hold on. Sit tight. Don't move. (btw, I am on the iPad) Urghh! I can't do it from the iPad..it won't let me upload a pic to this post. Well, I will have to get the picture for you guys when I am on a computer..anyway,how's life? Life's pretty good for us...comment and let me know if anything exciting is happening in your life..like new cases!! LOL:) :) :) :) Forever and Always, Esther J.


Unknown said...

4 zebra print cases?! Awesomeness. Please post a picture of them if you can sometime! =)

Something exciting? Hmm... Well, I just subscribed to a new magazine, so I can't wait to receive the first issue. ;) This week are the Bright Lights conferences. I'm especially excited about the Radiant Purity conference, because I haven't gone to that conference before (and because I'll get to see you and Luanna there!).

And next week we might get to see our friends one more time, before they fly back to Africa.

Brianna said...

I would love to see a pic! :)