Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving! :)

Hey, guys! So....this is probably going to be a little bit of a lengthy post. I am going to tell you all that is going on this week. Well, yesterday and today we did school, for the rest of the week and weekend we have no school!!! Yay! Except, Lu and I will have to work on our Research Papers, well, at least she will. :P But, then tomorrow we are just kindav going to be hanging, Lu working on her Research Paper, I am going to be helping get the kids ready for the day, ect. On Thursday is of course Thanksgiving so we are going to be taking a trip that will take us about 2 hours  to a relatives house for the big Thanksgiving Dinner. The guys will be doing paint balling....well, at least some of them. On Friday we are going to put up Christmas decorations!! Awesome, right? I <3 Christmas. Anyway, on Saturday we are going to go to our Grandma's house for dinner and our 2 cousins are coming to stay the night with us. Then, on Sunday is of course church, ect. :) So, ya...that is pretty much what is going to be happening. I hope you guys have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!

Esther J. Wright

1 comment:

Brianna said...

I hope you have as much fun as it sounds like you will, and even more! =)